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Facts You Need to Know About Asthma

Facts You Need to Know About Asthma

Asthma is a frightening condition for many people, including children. If you or someone you know has asthma, you probably have a lot of questions about it. You need facts today! The following are some of the most important things you should know about asthma.


1. What causes asthma?


Unfortunately, no one knows what causes asthma. Some believe that irritants, such as pollen or chemicals, trigger asthma, while others believe there is a genetic component.


2. Can asthma be developed later in life?


While most people develop asthma when they are children, asthma can develop at any age.


3. What are the symptoms of asthma?


Symptoms can vary from person to person. You might have asthma if you experience a shortness of breath, if you make a wheezing or whistling sound when exhaling, chest tightness or pain, coughing or wheezing attacks that are worse when you are sick with a cold or the flu.

4. Can asthma be cured?


Unfortunately, asthma has no cure. However, it is manageable.


5. What are the available treatments?


Your doctor can prescribe medications based on your symptoms and how often you experience attacks. Medicine usually includes steroids, anti-inflammatories, and inhalers to open the airways quickly. 


6. Can asthma be life threatening?


Yes, in some cases, a severe asthma attack will require a trip to the emergency room to restore breathing.


7. How to avoid asthma attacks?


Follow the plan set up by your doctor. This generally includes taking daily medication, using inhalers when necessary, and avoiding triggers, such as dust or very cold air.  Treat your attacks early and always get yearly vaccinations against the flu and pneumonia.

While allergies and asthma may be similar, they are not the same thing. Allergies, such as hay fever, sometimes mimic asthma attacks, which will leave you wondering if you are suffering from simple hay fever or if you have asthma. Your doctor can help you determine if you have allergies so you can avoid or control those triggers in the future.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for any treatment, diagnosis, decision or any other similar action. It is neither a medical advice nor a substitute for one. For any health-related issue, always consult with a professional.


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